Wie kann man Sprachbefehle im Porsche Taycan einstellen?

Begonnen von Joaquin, 19. Dezember 2022, 09:44:34

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Im folgendem Tutorial wird erklärt, wie man dem Porsche Taycan die Sprachbefehle beibringt, bzw. wie man ihn auf die eigene Stimme trainiert.

How to Activate "Hey Porsche" on the Porsche Taycan
ZitatHave you ever wondered how you can make the Voice Assistant experience even easier in your Porsche Taycan? In this video, Connor will show you the simple and intuitive process of activating and using "Hey Porsche" in your Porsche Taycan! Activating "Hey Porsche" will make your driving experience more relaxing and you won't have to worry about pressing any buttons!

Other "Hey Porsche" Commands!
"Navigation" - Initiates a navigation dialogue and shows examples of commands.
"Take me home" - Guidance is given to the Home position.
"Go to [Address]" - Specifies an address as a destination. An address must contain city and street. Example "Go to 509 E Nasa Blvd, Melbourne, Florida".
"Add intersection" - Starts a dialogue where two streets must be specified. The intersection point of the specified streets then becomes the destination.
"Go to [contact]" - Specifies an address from the phone book as a destination. Example "Go to Porsche of Melbourne".
"Search [POI category]" - Searches for adjacent points of interest (POI) within a certain category (e.g. restaurants) . To have the list sorted along the route - say "Along the route" when the results list is shown.
"Search [POI category] in [City]" - Searches for points of interest (POI) within a certain category and city. The list of results is sorted according to the city's central point. Example "Search for restaurant in Melbourne, Florida".
"Show favorites" – Shows saved positions in the driver display..
"Repeat voice guidance" - Repeats the last spoken guidance.
"Turn off voice guidance" - Switches off voice guidance.
"Turn on voice guidance" - Starts the switched-off voice guidance.
"Repeat" - repeats the last voice instruction in the ongoing dialogue.
"Help" - starts a help dialogue. The system replies with the commands available in the current situation, a prompt or an example.
"Cancel" – stops the dialogue when the system is silent.